U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, made the following statement today on a survey released by the Institute for Energy Research that shows a growing trend among Americans wanting a more transparent federal government.

"The call for transparency is growing louder because Americans want their government to be accountable for decisions it makes on their behalf. In order to do that, the public obviously needs access to the scientific data and reasoning behind the justification for expensive new rules and regulations," said Vitter. "Hopefully soon, the Administration will honor its commitment to transparency and stop using tired excuses, delay tactics, and incomplete FOIA requests to keep the American people in the dark."

The survey found that 90% of American voters agree that studies and data used to make federal government decisions should be made public. Sen. Vitter has advocated against the Administration's use of ‘secret science' to justify new rules and regulations, and has repeatedly called for more transparency, especially within the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Institute for Energy Research survey was conducted by MWR Strategies in April of this year.
