Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
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Nader Out of Inhofe-Markey Global Warming Debate
Link to Today's Letter from Senator Inhofe to Mr. Nader
Link to February 1, 2012 Letter from Nader to Inhofe
Link to December 16, 2011 Letter from Inhofe to Nader
Link to Tulsa World: Nader out of efforts to arrange Inhofe global warming debate
Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, sent the following response today to Ralph Nader after receiving a letter from Nader yesterday in which he announced he will no longer be organizing a debate on global warming between Senator Inhofe and Representative Ed Markey (D-MA).
Nader challenged Senator Inhofe and Representative Markey to this debate on December 14, 2011, and Senator Inhofe immediately accepted. In a December 16, 2011 letter to Representative Markey and Mr. Nader, Senator Inhofe suggested several dates within a two week period, and a few weeks ago, he also accepted an invitation from Politico to host the debate. Yet, until yesterday, Senator Inhofe still had not received a response from Mr. Nader.
Full Text of Letter Below
February 2, 2012
Mr. Ralph Nader
P.O. Box 19312
Washington, D.C. 20036
Dear Mr. Nader,
Thank you for your response to my December 16, 2011 letter, which I received yesterday. I am sorry to hear that you will no longer be involved in the global warming debate that Representative Markey and I are planning to give, as I was looking forward to you playing a lead role. However, I understand if you feel it would be better for someone else to organize and host the event.
As you know, when I accepted your invitation to debate, I provided the dates of January 26 to February 8, with the exception of February 1 and 2 due to the National Prayer Breakfast. I also accepted Politico's invitation to host the event several weeks ago. My staff has been in touch with Representative Markey's staff and I understand that he is not available to debate until after February 14. As you may know, the month of March will be extremely busy for me, so in order to accommodate Representative Markey's schedule and my own, I will be reaching out to him to suggest two dates: February 15 or 16. If Representative Markey cannot accept those dates, I will not be available again until April.
I would like to say once again that I really appreciate your suggestion that Representative Markey and I debate. For quite some time, I have been the only one in Washington talking about global warming because the alarmists understand that their message no longer resonates with the American people. Even President Obama has received that memo: he has abandoned any talk about global warming and begun touting oil and natural gas development because he knows that Americans want the jobs and energy security that domestic energy production brings. Yet, under the radar, his global warming agenda is alive and well - he is working aggressively to destroy oil, gas and coal as his Administration goes full speed ahead enacting the most extreme, job-killing regulatory agenda in American history. Anyone who takes him at his word that he wants an "all-of-the-above" approach to energy development need look no farther than his Keystone pipeline decision, in which he sided with his radical environmental friends instead of the majority of the American people who want the tens of thousands of jobs and the energy security that the pipeline would bring. One of the global warming movement's main leaders said that the President's Keystone decision was the biggest climate "victory" in years. This debate will be an excellent opportunity to sound the alarm about President Obama's destructive global warming agenda.
Again, I am disappointed that you will no longer be a part of this event. However, once Representative Markey and I work out the logistics I will be sure to inform you, and I hope you will attend. Your presence would bring an interesting angle to the debate, as you are well-known for your belief in catastrophic manmade global warming as well as your strong opposition to cap-and-trade legislation.
I look forward to seeing you at the debate if you are able to attend.
James Inhofe
Related Files
- Inhofe letter to Nader 12-16-11 - InhofelettertoNader121611.pdf (75.8 KBs)
- Inhofe letter to Nader 2-2-12 - InhofelettertoNader2212.pdf (415.4 KBs)
- Nader letter to Inhofe 2-1-12 - NaderlettertoInhofe2112.pdf (26.5 KBs)