For Immediate Release
April 25, 2007

U.S. Senate Committee on
Environment and Public Works

Senator Boxer Statement on EPA’s Proposed Rollback
of New Source Review Pollution Rules

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works issued the following statement in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to rewrite the Clean Air Act rules that determine when existing power plants have to install up-to-date air pollution controls when plants are upgraded.

Senator Boxer said, “EPA is once again proposing to let dirty power plants increase their emissions without installing up-to-date air pollution controls. It is outrageous that just weeks after the Supreme Court said EPA should live up to its responsibilities under the Clean Air Act, EPA is trying to roll back rules that protect the health of our families and communities. By making it easier for power plants to get away with not upgrading their pollution equipment, EPA is thumbing its nose at the significance at the Supreme Court’s decision and putting people and the environment at increased risk.”
