October 26, 2005 COMMITTEE MINORITY REJECTS SENSIBLE APPROACH TO EXPAND REFINERY CAPACITY AND LOWER GAS PRICES Inhofe and Co-sponsors Will Continue Push for Passage of the Gas PRICE Act WASHINGTON, DC - Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Chairman of the Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee, today indicated that he and Gas PRICE Act co-sponsors will continue to push for passage of the bill that would help encourage the expansion of refinery capacity in the United States, and stabilize and lower gas prices across the country. “I am disappointed that the Committee’s minority decided to play politics with the pocket books of the American consumer in rejecting the sensible provisions contained within the Gas PRICE Act,” Senator Inhofe said. “Something needs to be done to encourage the expansion of refinery capacity, and we’ll continue to pursue a legislative remedy to that effect. As I’ve made clear, socializing gas production, as the Democrats in the Committee would have preferred in their failed substitute amendment today, is not the answer. We intend to regroup and determine in short order what our next step will be to move the Gas PRICE Act forward. “During the meeting, I mentioned that one of the concerns we’ve been hearing about is the fear of a conference with the Barton Bill, which was actually referred to the Energy Committee. While the Gas PRICE Act is not a companion piece to any legislation, I would emphasize again that the fear of a conference is no excuse not to legislate.” Members of the Committee voted 9-9 to retain the legislation in the Committee.