Posted by: Matt Dempsey
Inhofe In Copenhagen: "In the Lion's Den - "Republicans Launch Counter Offensive" - Copenhagen "Has Failed"
LISTEN: Inhofe Reports on his Trip to Copenhagen
Read Senator Inhofe's Speech: "It Has Failed ... It's Déjà Vu All Over Again."
WATCH: Senator Inhofe Holds Press Conference in Copenhagen
FoxNews: Sen. Inhofe (R) In Lion's Den in Copenhagen - The leading global warming skeptic in the U.S. Senate shocked reporters in Copenhagen with a dose of American reality with his prediction Thursday morning that the U.S. Senate will not pass a carbon ‘cap and trade' bill, regardless of the commitment President Obama is expected to make here tomorrow. "I am here to make sure the 190 countries here don't go home with the false impression," said sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla. "The United States is not going to pass cap and trade. It just isn't going to happen. Its chances are zero." Inhofe said just 25 Senators would support the type of carbon reduction bill already passed in the House. Democratic leaders, including Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., disagree, and predict the Senate will pass such a bill this spring. Surrounded by reporters from around the world, including many who believe global warming is real, Inhofe often looked like a lamb on his way to slaughter. One reporter asked Inhofe "What do you tell the children who have to live in a nightmare world. What should we tell them about your country being a heroin addict on fossil fuel? Answer the question!" "Most of you are on the far left side, so listen closely. I contend the consensus is not there, and it wasn't there prior to Climate-gate." "Nothing binding will come out of here in my opinion, and if it does it will be rejected by the American people."
Boston Globe: Inhofe arrives in Copenhagen to say US will not pass climate bill - COPENHAGEN -- The parade of US politicians to the climate change talks continued this morning when Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma arrived for a two-hour visit to the Danish capital. His message for negotiators was that Congress will never pass a cap-and-trade bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and he reiterated his stance that man-made global warming is not occurring. Inhofe, who held an impromptu press conference in the Bella Center, said the chances of passage of pending climate and energy legislation were "zero" and would remain so if such a bill was financially harmful to Americans in any way." I figure you are going to hear from the other side," he said, "so I wanted you to hear" this side. Inhofe has been one of the most ardent detractors of man-made climate change, and this morning was no exception. He said the recent hacking, and publishing, of e-mails from a prominent climate change research group at East Anglia University in England showed that "the science has been debunked."
New York Times: "Republicans Launch Counter Offensive" - Republicans mounted a counteroffensive. Senator James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma and Congress's most vocal climate change skeptic, showed up in the press area of the Bella Center early on Thursday to deliver what he called a reality check to the proceedings here. "There is going to be no cap and trade or binding legislation in the United States," he said. "It's dead. It's not going to happen."
CNN: Inhofe: Copenhagen conference 'has failed' (WATCH) - Washington (CNN) - Republican Sen. James Inhofe, a well-known skeptic of global warming, said Thursday in Copenhagen that "there will be no agreement" at the conference and said, "It has failed." The Oklahoma senator is the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee and said a cap-and-trade bill has no chance of passing the Senate. "My stated reason for attending Copenhagen was to make certain the 191 countries attending COP-15 would not be deceived into thinking the US would pass cap-and-trade legislation," Inhofe said, according to prepared remarks. "That won't happen. And for the sake of the American people, and the economic well-being of America, that's a good thing." President Obama pledged $1 billion on Wednesday to help protect rainforests around the world. Inhofe said it's "too much" and that "taxpayers won't be pleased" with how their money is being spent.
NewYorkPost: There Will Be No Agreement - Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who has led the call for probing the leaked British academic e-mails raising doubts about the science behind global warming, said yesterday in Copenhagen that "there will be no agreement." "It has failed," he said. Inhofe insisted it also spelled doom for the congressional cap-and-trade bill aimed at curbing emissions, which has been criticized as a hidden tax on industry.
Congress Daily: Inhofe Arrives To Crash Party - COPENHAGEN -- Leading Senate climate skeptic James Inhofe, R-Okla., crashed the party here for just a couple of hours this morning before heading back to Capitol Hill for health care votes later today. He used his time at the conference to hold court with reporters in the media center, where he blamed "Hollywood elites" and the United Nations for perpetrating what he considers a climate change hoax. The Environment and Public Works Committee ranking member said he had come to spread his message to the 192 other assembled nations and warn them, "Don't go back home with the false impression as to what we're going to do" in the U.S. He said Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., "misled" people here on Wednesday in pledging that Congress will pass climate legislation next year. "We are not going to pass something like a cap-and-trade" next spring, Inhofe said, "because the votes just simply aren't there."
Tulsa World: Copenhagen appearance worth the 18-hours in flight, Inhofe says - Still, Inhofe declared his fly-by — about four hours on the ground — a success. “We didn’t give a speech, but all the ingredients were there,’’ Inhofe said, expressing confidence that he was able not only to deliver his own climate change message to reporters but also to dispute the one coming from others, including President Barack Obama. “It was worth the trip,’’ he said. And, he said, the trip is still paying dividends with more appearances on news shows that allow him to spread his word even more. His message is that, despite what top Democrats say in the United States, the rest of the world should know that the U.S. Senate is not going to follow the lead of the House and pass legislation to address climate change. “It is not going to happen,’’ said Inhofe, perhaps the most vocal skeptic of global warming in Congress.