Mr. President, America needs an energy policy, but not this one. This bill fails to provide a realistic sustainable energy plan for America's future.
Observers have called this energy bill "...three parts corporate welfare and one part cynical politics." They call it "a complete waste of energy" and say it "fails to address the fuel and power needs of the average American."
They are absolutely right!
The bill includes environmental rollbacks. It threatens public health.
It weakens key consumer protections against electricity market manipulation, and it gives out billions of dollars in subsidies to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries.
The rollbacks of three of our most fundamental environmental laws--the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Clean Water Act are terrible environmental policy.
This bill would allow more smog pollution.
This bill exempts all oil and gas construction activities from the Clean Water Act.
The Senate's Renewable Portfolio Standard requiring utilities to generate 10 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2020, was struck from the bill.
What we needed was a bill to decrease our dependence on foreign oil, but this bill won't conserve a drop of oil.
We needed to protect our consumers, our public lands and our public health, but instead this bill weakens protections.
We needed to give a boost to the renewable energy sector, but instead this bill is a kickback to the fossil fuel industry.
We now need to do the right thing, and oppose cloture. We need to spend more time developing the right energy policy for America.