This page provides information on legislation that has been introduced and falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Date Title
2/6/19 S. 353--A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to improve the transportation infrastructure finance and innovation (TIFIA) program, and for other purposes.
2/6/19 S. 349--A bill to require the Secretary of Transportation to request nominations for, and make determinations regarding, roads to be designated under the national scenic byways program, and for other purposes.
2/5/19 S. RES. 41--An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
2/5/19 S. RES. 46--An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Environment and Public Works.
2/5/19 S. 163--Alaska Remote Generator Reliability and Protection Act
1/31/19 S. 310--A bill to amend the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act to reauthorize the Act.
1/29/19 S. 268--A bill to reauthorize the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and certain wildlife conservation funds, to establish prize competitions relating to the prevention of wildlife poaching and trafficking, wildlife conservation, the management of invasive species, and the protection of endanger
1/29/19 S. 261--A bill to extend the authorization of appropriations for allocation to carry out approved wetlands conservation projects under the North American Wetlands Conservation Act through fiscal year 2024, and for other purposes.
1/28/19 S. 233--EPA Special Hiring Authority Transparency Act
1/28/19 S. 248--A bill to ensure that the Secretary of the Interior collaborates fully with State and local authorities and certain nonprofit entities in managing the Corolla Wild Horse population on Federal land.