This page provides information on legislation that has been introduced and falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Date Title
9/29/20 S.4743 - A bill to amend the Act of August 10, 1956, to provide for the payment of pay and allowances for certain officers of the Army who are assigned to the Corps of Engineers.
9/24/20 S.4706 - A bill to amend the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 with respect to the Louie B. Nunn (Cumberland) Parkway, to amend title 23, United States Code, to modify a provision relating to the operation of vehicles on that highway, and for other purposes.
9/24/20 S.4681 - Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
9/24/20 S.4698 - USACE Military Augmentation Act of 2020
9/24/20 S.4701 - Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2020
9/23/20 S.Con.Res.47 - A concurrent resolution recognizing that the climate crisis is disproportionately affecting the health, economic opportunity, and fundamental rights of children, expressing the sense of Congress that renewed leadership by the United States is needed to address the climate crisis, and
9/23/20 S.Res.714 - A resolution encouraging the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to maintain and strengthen requirements under the Clean Water Act and reverse ongoing administrative actions to weaken the Clean Water Act and protections for waters of the United States.
9/17/20 S.4619 - A bill to amend the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to impose time limits on the completion of certain required actions under the Act, and for other purposes.
9/17/20 S.4617 - A bill to provide supplemental appropriations for the cleanup of legacy pollution, including National Priority List sites, certain abandoned coal mining sites, and formerly used defense sites, to replace lead drinking water service lines, to provide grants under certain programs, and to ame
9/16/20 S.4591 - A bill to amend the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to reform agency process requirements, and for other purposes.