406 Dirksen Senate Office Building
On Wednesday, September 22, at 9:30 AM ET, the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will held a business meeting to consider several of President Biden’s nominees, legislation to rename federal buildings, and several General Services Administration resolutions.
Business meeting to consider the following items:
- Jeffrey Prieto to be General Counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Stephen A. Owens to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
- Jennifer B. Sass to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
- Sylvia E. Johnson to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
- Legislation to designate the United States courthouse located at 201 South Evans Street in Greenville, North Carolina, as the “Malcolm J. Howard United States Courthouse”
- Legislation to designate the Federal Office Building located at 308 West 21st Street in Cheyenne, Wyoming, as the “Louisa Swain Federal Office Building”
- Legislation to designate the United States courthouse located at 1501 North 6th Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as the “Sylvia H. Rambo United States Courthouse”
- Legislation to designate the Rocksprings station of the U.S. Border Patrol located at West Main Street in Rocksprings, Texas, as the “Donna M. Doss Border Patrol Station”
- Nine General Services Administration Resolutions
Panel 1
SecretaryNorth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality09-22-2021 Biser Testimony.pdf (495.8 KBs)
Policy & Government AffairsWorld Wildlife Fund09-22-2021 Elias Testimony.pdf (403.5 KBs)
Executive Director, Recovered FiberAmerican Forest & Paper Association09-22-2021 Hawkinson Testimony.pdf (135.5 KBs)
Chief LobbyistInstitute of Scrap Recycling Industries09-22-2021 Johnson Written Testimony.pdf (305.1 KBs)
Related Files
- SPW 09222021 A Business Meeting.pdf (92.4 KBs)
- SPW 09222021 B - Hearing on Circular Economy.pdf (211.8 KBs)