This page provides information on legislation that has been introduced and falls under the jurisdiction of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Date Title
5/7/19 S. 1345--A bill to amend and reauthorize the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Act.
5/2/19 S. 1301--A bill to prohibit the use of the poisons sodium fluoroacetate (known as "Compound 1080") and sodium cyanide for predator control.
5/1/19 S. 1259--A bill to amend the Chesapeake Bay Initiative Act of 1998 to reauthorize the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network.
4/30/19 S. 1251--A bill to improve and coordinate interagency Federal actions and provide assistance to States for responding to public health challenges posed by emerging contaminants, and for other purposes.
4/10/19 S. 1139-- A bill to reauthorize and amend the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act.
4/9/19 S. 1087--A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to make changes with respect to water quality certification, and for other purposes.
4/9/19 S. 1098--A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to improve the transportation alternatives program, and for other purposes.
4/9/19 H.R. 1331--Local Water Protection Act
4/8/19 S. 1061--A bill to amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and for other purposes.
4/4/19 S. 1054--A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to establish a program to allow States to assume certain Federal responsibilities under that title with respect to agency actions applicable to highway projects within the States, and for other purposes.