Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
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Inhofe Blasts Obama Keystone Decision
Thousands of Oklahoman, American Jobs Rejected by Obama Administration
Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, blasted today's announcement by the Obama Administration that they will not issue a permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. As an Oklahoman editorial noted today, the decision means a loss of thousands of jobs in Oklahoma. It also harms America's national security by making us more dependent on oil from the Middle East.
"Today President Obama sided with his radical environmental friends and their job-killing global warming agenda instead of a majority of the American people who would have welcomed the tens of thousands of jobs the Keystone pipeline would have created," Senator Inhofe said. "President Obama's decision shows his unwavering commitment to his global warming agenda which seeks to eliminate oil, gas, and coal, and raise energy and gas prices on every American. If the President wants to 'figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,' as his Energy Secretary Steven Chu said, this is one of the best ways to do it.
"President Obama has now squandered one of the best job creating opportunities he has ever had. As a result, Oklahoma can no longer look forward to the 14,000 jobs the pipeline would have brought to the state over several years. In fact, of the 20,000 jobs that would have been created immediately, 1,200 would have been in Oklahoma as TransCanada intended to extend the pipeline south from Cushing.
"Given the current tensions with Iran over its nuclear program and their threats to choke off the Strait of Hormuz, the President's decision was reckless - with little regard to the threat America faces from its dependence on Middle East oil. Not only would Keystone have enhanced our energy security by increasing our North American oil supply, it also would have facilitated the transportation of our domestic resources. Cushing, Oklahoma's pipeline infrastructure can't accommodate the current volume of crude oil needed for distribution - the Keystone pipeline would have greatly improved our ability to get the wealth of US resources out of Cushing.
"Global warming alarmist Bill McKibben said that the President's decision today was 'brave' - well, he is taking a big risk: by killing jobs today he could very well lose his own job come November."