Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
Katie Brown (202) 224-2160
Inhofe Exposes Another Epic Fail by Global Warming Alarmists
Photo Posted by KFOR and Think Progress
The dumpster fire that caused the melting lights
Photo Provided by KFOR
Link to Think Progress Blog Post
Link to Watts Up With That: Alarmist fact checking - street lights don't melt at 115°F
Washington, D.C. - Today the far-left blog Think Progress posted a photo (originally posted on KFOR's facebook page) of street lights in Oklahoma that had melted, they claimed, because of extreme heat. Global warming alarmist Bill McKibben took to Twitter immediately to publicize what he believed to be proof of global warming, tweeting to Senator James Inhofe (Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, "Senator Inhofe, God may be trying to get your attention. Check out this picture."
Not long after the picture surfaced, Oklahomans posted comments on Think Progress' blog saying that these lights had melted due to a fire - which makes sense considering that the two front lights were melted while the two back lights remained unscathed. Once this news came to light, Think Progress immediately removed the post and provided an update that reads: "After we published this piece, we saw reports from people on the ground in Stillwater that the melting streetlights were due to a nearby fire. The person who took the photo, Patrick Hunter, described the scene: ‘Being the person that actually took this photo, I'd say that this was due to a fire semi-close by coupled with the unbelievable heat we are experiencing.' Still an amazing photo and not fake as many are saying on here. Enjoy!"
This afternoon, KFOR confirmed that the melted lights in the photo were not caused by hot temperatures but a nearby dumpster fire.
"Poor Bill McKibben - he's been trying to get something to melt for ages but it keeps backfiring," Senator Inhofe said. "These alarmists never learn their lesson. Remember Bill McKibben was the one who was going to melt a giant ice sculpture in the shape of the word ‘hoax' on the national mall, but his group had to cancel because there wasn't enough interest. Now, after proclaiming that street lights in Oklahoma are melting because of global warming, we have confirmation that a fire caused this scene.
"Amid the resurgence of hysteria from my friends on the left, I appreciated climatologist Dr. John Christy who testified this week before the Environment and Public Works committee saying that instead of proclaiming this summer is ‘what global warming looks like' it is ‘scientifically more accurate to say that this is what Mother Nature looks like, since events even worse than these have happened in the past before greenhouse gases were increasing like they are today.'
"This isn't the first time alarmists have tried these stunts and it certainly won't be the last - when will they finally realize they've lost this debate?"