Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
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Congressional Democrats Introduce National Energy Tax
Will Obama Embrace It or Run From It?
Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, commented on the introduction of Representative Jim McDermott's carbon tax bill in the House today.
"It's hard to believe that Democrats in Washington are introducing an energy tax on consumers, especially as Americans are out of work and the economy remains sluggish," Senator Inhofe said. "A carbon tax will mean consumers will pay more at the pump and more for energy in their homes. An energy tax is the last thing that Congress should be considering.
"President Obama and the Democrats' efforts to achieve their dreams of a fossil fuel free economy have been rejected time and time again by the American people, yet they remain determined. Despite the overwhelming bipartisan opposition in Congress over the past decade to global warming cap-and-trade, President Obama has pushed through a barrage of regulations with the goal of killing fossil fuel production in the United States. But he doesn't want the American people to know that he's imposing the greatest tax increase in American history through regulations because he couldn't do it through legislation. Again, what would Americans get for all this economic pain? Even EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has admitted that global warming regulations will have no impact at all on the climate.
"With an upcoming election, President Obama is running as far away from global warming as possible. So the question today is: will he support his friends' efforts in Congress for a carbon tax or stay silent?
"This week I also welcomed my Senate Democratic colleagues back to the global warming debate - it will be interesting to see if they choose to support this carbon tax or try to dodge this politically toxic issue. With an election on the horizon, that will be a tough choice. Senator Boxer toyed with the idea of a carbon tax this week, but tellingly refused to discuss it at a hearing on global warming yesterday.
"We've been through this debate for years and the American public has rejected an energy tax every time. It's time for my friends on the other side of the aisle finally to get through the grieving process on cap-and-trade, move on from these failed, dead policies, and begin to embrace the enormous potential of America's abundant energy resources; in doing so we can turn this economy around, achieve energy independence from the Middle East, and ensure energy security for years to come."