Kristina Baum (Inhofe/EPW) – 202.224.6176
Donelle Harder (Inhofe/EPW) – 202.224.1282
Katie Gilman or Mary Kerr (Boxer/EPW) – 202.224.8832
Senators Inhofe, Boxer, and Job Creators to Call for Action on Transportation Bill
BACKGROUND: Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Ranking Member, will be joined by a broad coalition of businesses, labor, and transportation organizations to highlight the importance of a long-term surface transportation bill and the need for Congress to act. The latest extension of the current transportation law, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), expires on May 31, 2015.
2:50 PM ET
LOCATION: Senate Swamp
(grass area on the northeast side of the Capitol building, which is on the Senate side of the Capitol building across from the Supreme Court)
WHO: Senator James Inhofe
Chairman, Environment and Public Works Committee
Senator Barbara Boxer
Ranking Member, Environment and Public Works Committee
Bud Wright
Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Pete Ruane
President and CEO, American Road and Transportation Builders Association
Tom Trotter
Legislative Affairs Representative, AFL-CIO
Jennifer Safavian
Executive Vice President, Government Affairs, Retail Industry Leaders Association
Tom Foss
CEO, Griffith Company, Brea, CA
Don Shilling
President, General Equipment and Supplies, Fargo, ND
Nick Ivanoff
President and CEO, Ammann and Whitney, New York, NY
Robert Sells
President, Titan America, Mid-Atlantic Division, Roanoke, VA
Sean Glennon
President, Operations Americas, Volvo Construction Equipment
WHAT: Press Conference
Just a reminder: Please RSVP to Colin MacCarthy at if you plan to attend. Please note that media are required to display current Senate press credentials.