Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
Katie Brown (202) 224-2160
Inhofe Vows to Halt Obama EPA Global Warming Regulations
Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today announced at an EPW hearing his intentions to put a stop to President Obama's new electricity tax that would have a devastating impact on American consumers at a time when gas prices are skyrocketing.
The announcement follows news reports that the Obama-EPA will roll out its global warming regulations for new power plants today. These regulations are the fundamental part of President Obama's war on affordable energy, and as Politico noted, they "promise to change the way the U.S. gets its power."
Inhofe Vows To Halt Obama EPA Global Warming Regs
"It is hard to believe that the Obama-EPA is announcing a massive energy tax today on American families at a time when they are already reeling from skyrocketing gas prices," Senator Inhofe said. "So much for President Obama's claims to be for an 'all-of-the-above' approach - these regulations are designed specifically to kill coal in American electricity generation, which will significantly raise energy prices on American families. This plan is the most devastating installment in the Obama administration's war on affordable energy: it achieves their cap-and-trade agenda through regulation instead of legislation. Today, Americans can be certain that the President is going forward to fulfill his campaign promise that under his plan of a cap-and-trade system electricity prices would 'necessarily skyrocket.'
"Remember these greenhouse gas regulations are all economic pain for no environmental gain. Their sole purpose is aimed supposedly at stopping global warming, yet even the administrator of the EPA, Lisa Jackson, has admitted these regulations will have no impact on the climate. Why at a time when energy prices are skyrocketing is the administration working to impose tax increases that have no benefit?
"Today, as the Obama administration rolls out its immense energy tax, I am announcing my intent to kill this proposal by bringing it to a vote before the US Senate through a resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We were successful in stopping their job-killing agenda through legislation when we defeated cap-and-trade, now our fight is to stop them from forcing it on the American people through regulations. An overwhelming number of Senators have insisted they want to rein in the Obama-EPA; the CRA I will introduce will give them the opportunity to decide whether they will stand with President Obama and his destructive war on affordable energy, or their constituents back home, who will suffer the most from hundreds of thousands of lost jobs and the skyrocketing electricity and gas prices this agenda will impose on them."