WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee today joined CNBC’s Squawkbox to discuss ongoing infrastructure negotiations with the White House.
REPUBLICAN REDLINES: “So he understood we’re not going to touch the 2017 tax cuts—now, I’m not saying he agreed with that, but he understood our position there—and that we didn’t consider human infrastructure physical infrastructure.”
HOW MUCH?: “So we’re going to meet all the metrics the president himself laid out for us, and we’ll get close to his number. We're going to include a lot of the things that are important to all of us and to him in the core infrastructure space.”
UNDOING 2017 TAX CUTS: “I think it’s completely off the table. Look, the tax cuts of 2017 lead to a roaring economy we saw pre-pandemic. We know that. But also we can do this without touching those tax cuts and we can do it by repurposing COVID dollars. If we look at the states that are no longer taking enhanced unemployment, there’s a resource right there for us. We’re looking at a financing mechanism like a revolving fund for infrastructure where you would put some dollars in and get a much greater private investment. User fees—the president has taken user fees off the table even for electric or hybrid use vehicles and we disagree with that. So we’re going to keep pushing that. I think we can do this without touching that tax bill and I think it can be fully paid for and that’s the goal we’re trying to go for.”
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