MARC MORANO (Inhofe) 202-224-5762
MATT DEMPSEY (Inhofe) 202-224-9797
NATALIE RAVITZ (Boxer) 202-224-8120
Washington, DC – Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Ranking Member James Inhofe (R-Okla.) today announced the final Environment & Public Works subcommittee assignments.
Chairman Barbara Boxer said: "I look forward to working with all of our Subcommittee Chairs and members to meet the environmental and infrastructure challenges we face."
Senator Inhofe said: “EPW has a long history of working in a close bipartisan fashion, despite major policy differences, and I’m sure that Senator Boxer and I will continue that tradition.”
U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Subcommittee Assignments
1. Public Sector Solutions to Global Warming, Oversight, and Children’s Health Protection
Chair: Barbara Boxer (CA)
Ranking: Lamar Alexander (TN)
Majority Members: Joseph Lieberman (CT), Thomas Carper (DE), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)
Republican Members: Larry Craig (Idaho), Kit Bond (Missouri) and Craig Thomas (Wyoming), James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
2. Transportation and Infrastructure
Chair: Max Baucus (MT)
Ranking: Johnny Isakson (GA)
Majority Members: Thomas Carper (DE), Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY), Benjamin Cardin (MD), Bernard Sanders (VT), Barbara Boxer (CA) (ex officio)
Republican Members: John Warner (VA) George Voinovich (OH) and David Vitter (LA), James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
3. Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection
Chair: Joe Lieberman (CT)
Ranking: John Warner (VA)
Majority Members: Max Baucus (MT), Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Bernard Sanders (VT), Barbara Boxer (CA) (ex officio)
Republican Members: Craig Thomas and Johnny Isakson (GA), James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
4. Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
Chair: Thomas Carper (DE)
Ranking: George Voinovich (OH)
Majority Members: Joseph Lieberman (CT), Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY), Bernard Sanders (VT), Barbara Boxer (CA) (ex officio)
Republican Members: Johnny Isakson and Lamar Alexander, James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
5. Superfund and Environmental Health
Chair: Hillary Rodham Clinton (NY)
Ranking: Larry Craig (Idaho)
Majority Members: Max Baucus (MT), Frank Lautenberg (NJ), Ben Cardin (MD), Barbara Boxer (CA) (ex officio)
Republican Members: David Vitter and Kit Bond, James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
6. Transportation Safety, Infrastructure Security, and Water Quality
Chair: Frank Lautenberg (NJ)
Ranking: David Vitter (LA)
Majority Members: Benjamin Cardin (MD), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Sheldon Whitehouse (RI), Barbara Boxer (ex officio)
Republican Members: Kit Bond and George Voinovich, James Inhofe (Okla.) (ex officio)
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