May 23, 2006 OPENING STATEMENT Statement of James Inhofe Chairman, Environment & Public Works Committee Business Meeting Good morning. Today we have a very full agenda, but one that I believe we can get through quickly. We have a number of bills, resolutions and nominations to vote on. The Committee will consider the following bills: -S. 2735 - reauthorizing the national dam safety program -S. 2832 - amendments to the Appalachian Regional Development Act -S. 2430 - the Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act -S. 1509 - the Captive Primate Safety Act -S. 2041 - the Ed Fountain Park Expansion Act -S. 2197 - to redesignate the Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia as the “Elizabeth Hartwell Mason Neck National Wildlife Refuge” -S. Res. 301 - Commemorating Audubon Society’s 100th Anniversary -S. 2781 - the Wastewater Treatment Works Security Act -S. 2650 - to designate the Carroll A. Campbell Jr. Federal Courthouse -S. 801 - to designate the John Milton Simpson United States Courthouse -S. 2912 - the Great Lakes Coordination and Oversight Act; and · S. 2023 - amendments to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. The Committee will also consider a GSA resolution for its 2007 Capital Investment and Leasing Program as well as four Army Corps Study Resolutions: -the Cedar River, Time Check Area, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; -the Pawcatuck River, Little Narragansett Bay, and Watch Hill Cove, Rhode Island and Connecticut; -Kansas River Basin, Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska; and -Port of San Francisco We will also be voting to report out the four pending nominations that include Molly O’Neill to be an EPA Assistant Administrator and three nominees to be members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission - they are: Dr. Dale Klein, Dr. Gregory Jaczko and Dr. Pete Lyons. The nominees have completed all required paperwork and have appeared before the Committee. Each nominee has also responded adequately to the questions required by the Committee. The vast majority of the items on this agenda are without controversy or objection and I don’t believe we will need more than two roll call votes, so we should be able to dispense of this morning’s business in short order.