I rise today to acknowledge that the international global warming pact known as the Kyoto Protocol has entered into force. This happens only seven years after it was negotiated.
The Protocol imposes limits on emissions of greenhouse gases that scientists blame for increasing world temperatures. As my colleagues know, President Bush decided to abandon the Protocol and any serious international negotiations on the matter in March 2001. That unilateral abandonment leaves the world to wonder why the nation that contributes the most greenhouse gas emissions to the world atmosphere refuses to accept responsibility for these emissions and refuses to cooperate with the international community to curb the global warming threat.
I assume it was no coincidence that the Committee on Environment and Public Works, on which I serve as Ranking Member, was supposed to consider legislation today called the Clear Skies Act. If passed, this legislation will create anything but clear skies.
The bill rolls back steady progress under the Clean Air Act and actually would increase this country's greenhouse gas emissions more than no legislation. The Chairman of the Committee has decided to take more time to craft this measure, due in no small part to the fact that the bill lacks the support in Committee to be approved and reported to the Senate today. I commend the Chairman for making that decision today - the same day the Kyoto Protocol has taken effect - to more carefully consider this important measure.
In the coming weeks as we discuss this legislation, I hope that we can reach agreement on a bill that truly does clear our skies. To me, that means a bill that not only improves upon the Clean Air Act, but that also addresses our nation's greenhouse gas emissions.
Yesterday, on the eve of the Kyoto Protocol entering into force, a White House spokesman stated that the United States has made an unprecedented commitment to reduce the growth of greenhouse gas emissions in a way that continues to grow our economy. Mr. President, I have seen no evidence of this commitment.
For my part, I have already introduced the Clean Power Act of 2005. I also intend to introduce the Renewable Portfolio Standard Act of 2005 and the Electric Reliability Security Act of 2005, two bills designed to use our resources more efficiently.
If President Bush signed into law a measure that caps or truly required reductions in the emissions of greenhouse gases, evidence of a real commitment would be apparent, not just to me but to the entire world. I call upon my Senate and House colleagues to mark the occasion of the Kyoto Protocol's entering into force by embarking upon serious work to craft legislation that imposes credible deadlines to achieve caps and significant reductions to our nation's sizeable and growing contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.