Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, today made the following remarks regarding the Bush Administration's opposition to the Boxer-Lieberman-Warner global warming legislation scheduled for debate on the Senate floor starting today:


Senator Boxer said: "Just when we finally have a chance to get off of Big Oil and foreign oil, you can count on the Bush Administration to fight us every step of the way.  Where were they when gas prices went to 250 percent of what they were at the start of this Administration?  They did nothing.  The new fuel economy standards passed by this Congress will offset their claims of a 50 cent increase in the price of gas over more than 20 years.  And this bill also contains tax relief for consumer energy costs, though the Bush Administration's own Energy Information Administration's data show that it should not be needed to cover the price of gas."


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