(Remarks as prepared for delivery)
We are holding this hearing to further consider the landmark global warming legislation of Senators Lieberman and Warner. They have been working on this comprehensive bill for several months. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for their leadership.
I also want to say "Thank You" to the other members of this Committee, and their staffs. Your hard work is making the bill stronger. In the coming weeks, your continued engagement will be critical as we prepare to mark this bill up in Committee, and send a bill to the full Senate.
The legislation before us provides a strong framework for global warming action. We are already building upon this foundation and improving the bill, and I am committed to making it stronger at every step of the process.
I remain dedicated to a deliberate and transparent process. We have had over 20 hearings on global warming. This is our third hearing specifically on this bill, and we have our fourth on Thursday. We will continue to work on this legislation in consultation with stakeholders, members, and staff as we proceed ahead.
I want to thank our witnesses for coming today. I look forward to your testimony, and appreciate your sharing your views with us.
I face this challenge with hope, and not fear. By facing this challenge now, we can maximize our chances of avoiding the most dangerous effects of climate change. We will also position America to capitalize on the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead. I believe that we have a moral obligation to do everything we can, starting now, to fight global warming. When we do so, we will be reinforcing our role as a beacon of hope to other nations, and we will strengthen our role as a global economic powerhouse.