April 24, 2007 (202) 228-3102 direct, (202) 302-7086 cell
U.S. Senate Committee on
Environment and Public Works
Environment and Public Works
EPW Committee Presses EPA Administrator for
Swift Action on Global Warming Waivers
and Endangerment Finding
Swift Action on Global Warming Waivers
and Endangerment Finding
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and other members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works continued to hold EPA’s feet to the fire and pressed EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson to commit to a speedy time frame for approving a waiver that would allow California and eleven other states to limit global warming pollution from vehicles.
Senator Boxer said, “This waiver means that our states can continue to play a leadership role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions from cars. We applaud EPA’s opening the waiver process, but we want a fast timetable and no stalling. To that end, we will call EPA back before the Committee as soon as they have closed the comment period on June 15. We expect action by the middle of this summer.
“Mr. Johnson used the word ‘complex’ many times. The Supreme Court case is not complex. It is clear. EPA should grant the waiver to California and the 11 other states who have asked for it, and they should make an endangerment finding that global warming emissions are a danger and will be controlled by law.”