July 2013

Date Title
7/17/13 Boxer Remarks: EPA Headquarters Naming Ceremony in Honor of President Clinton
7/9/13 Chairman Boxer Asks Governors to Review and Adopt Policies that Will Help Prevent Chemical Explosions Files
7/3/13 Senator Boxer’s Statement on Obama Administration’s Announcement to Award $421 Million TIFIA Loan for SR 91 Corridor Improvement Project in Southern California

June 2013

Date Title
6/27/13 PHOTO GALLERY: 06.27.13 Full Committee hearing entitled, “Oversight of Federal Risk Management and Emergency Planning Programs to Prevent and Address Chemical Threats, Including the Events Leading Up to the Explosions in West, TX and Geismar, LA”
6/27/13 Senator Boxer's Statement: Hearing on Oversight of Federal Risk Management and Emergency Planning Programs to Prevent and Address Chemical Threats, Including the Events Leading Up to the Explosions in West, TX and Geismar, LA
6/25/13 Senator Boxer’s Statement on President Obama’s Plan to Address Climate Change
6/13/13 Senator Boxer Reacts to Explosion at Louisiana Chemical Plant
6/7/13 Senator Boxer Reacts to Announcement that the Troubled San Onofre Nuclear Plant Will Close Permanently

May 2013

Date Title
5/28/13 Senator Barbara Boxer Reveals New Evidence that Southern California Edison Misled Safety Regulators and the Public About the Redesign of the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Files
5/23/13 PHOTO GALLERY: 05.23.13 Full Committee Hearing entitled, "Hearing on the Re-nomination of Allison Macfarlane to be Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission"