406 Dirksen
The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife will hold an oversight hearing entitled, “Erosion of Exemptions and Expansion of Federal Control –Implementation of the Definition of Waters of the United States.”
TUESDAY, May 24, 2016
2:30 PM
Room 406 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
By Order of the Chairman
Dan Sullivan
Majority Statement
2.9.16 JMI Opening FINAL.pdf (126.9 KBs)
Panel 1
Principal AttorneyPacific Legal FoundationSchiff Testimony.pdf (330.0 KBs)
Senior Director, Regulatory RelationsAmerican Farm Bureau FederationParrish testimony.pdf (599.8 KBs)
Chief Financial OfficerEGS Companies, on behalf of National Association of HomebuildersEPW Valerie Wilkinson Testimony 5-20-16.pdf (264.9 KBs)
Professor of LawGeorgetown University Law CenterBuzbee Testimony.pdf (444.3 KBs)
Executive DirectorIzaak Walton League of AmericaKovarovics Testimony.pdf (300.7 KBs)
Related Files
- SPW0524.pdf (212.0 KBs)
- Parish QFR Responses cover page 05.24.2016.pdf (155.3 KBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study1 05.24.2016.pdf (1.4 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study5 05.24.2016.pdf (631.0 KBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study3 05.24.2016.pdf (2.1 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study4 05.24.2016.pdf (1.6 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study2 05.24.2016.pdf (2.8 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study7 05.24.2016.pdf (507.7 KBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study10 05.24.2016.pdf (196.3 KBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study6 05.24.2016.pdf (1.3 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study8 05.24.2016.pdf (2.0 MBs)
- Parrish QFR Responses Case Study9 05.24.2016.pdf (3.9 MBs)
- Parrish QFR COMPLETE Responses 05.24.2016.pdf (15.1 MBs)
- Martin Farms Testimony May 24 2016 EPW Committee Hearing.pdf (26.5 KBs)
- Attachment 3 Martin Farms Testimony - Reuben Scott affidavit.pdf (321.0 KBs)
- Attachment 2 Martin Farms Testimony - Approved JD.pdf (5.3 MBs)
- Attachment 1 Martin Farms Testimony- Aerial photography.pdf (9.4 MBs)