406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Majority Statement
Minority Statement
Panel 1
Executive DirectorFederal Highway AdministrationPaniatiWrittenStmtSEPWSafetyFINAL.pdf (46.1 KBs)
Managing Director, Physical InfrastructureGovernment Accountability OfficeSiggerudTestimony.pdf (509.8 KBs)
Panel 2
Director, Nevada Department of TransportationOn Behalf of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)MartinovichTestimony.pdf (67.0 KBs)
Vice PresidentAdvocates for Highway & Auto SafetyGillanTestimony.pdf (133.9 KBs)
Director, Center for Transportation StudiesUniversity of MinnesotaJohnsTestimony.pdf (41.7 KBs)