406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 2:30pm ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 2:30pm ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time.
Panel 1
Director of the Office of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and RadiationUnited States Environmental Protection Agency11513HearingWitnessTestimonyDunham.pdf (264.0 KBs)
Panel 2
Gertz Regents Professor in Chemical Engineering and Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental ResourcesThe University of Texas at Austin11513HearingWitnessTestimonyAllen.pdf (29.1 KBs)
President, V+ Development Solutions, and General CounselSouthwestern Energy Company11513HearingWitnessTestimonyBoling.pdf (26.3 KBs)
Staff Scientist, Sustainable EnergyNatural Resources Defense Council
Environmental ManagerDevon Energy Corporation11513HearingWitnessTestimonySmith.pdf (20.0 KBs)
Department Head, Petroleum EngineeringTexas A&M University11513HearingWitnessTestimonyHill.pdf (476.8 KBs)