406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Majority Statement
Panel 1
ChairmanFederal Energy Regulatory CommissionWellinghoffTestimonyFinalClean.pdf (28.3 KBs)
Assistant Secretary for Policy and International AffairsUnited States Department of Energy8609FinalTestimonySandalow.pdf (26.8 KBs)
Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife, and ParksUnited States Department of the InteriorDOIStricklandTestimony8609FINAL.pdf (37.9 KBs)
Panel 2
PresidentEnvironmental Defense FundFredKruppWrittenTestimonyforAug6EPWHearing.pdf (519.1 KBs)
President and CEOMidAmerican Energy CompanyWMFehrmanwrittenfinalII.pdf (62.8 KBs)