406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Minority Statement
Panel 1
Assistant Administrator, Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic SubstancesUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyEPATSCAReformfinaltest2311.pdf (66.1 KBs)
Panel 2
Senior Vice President for Global Corporate Affairs, Communication, and Sustainability,SC JohnsonSCJSemrauTSCATestimony.pdf (38.9 KBs)
Vice President and Associate General CounselBASFEPW_Goldberg_TSCAStatementFinal.pdf (1.8 MBs)
PresidentNatural Resources Defense CouncilChemicalSafetyTestimonyBeinecke2311.pdf (337.0 KBs)
President and CEOAmerican Chemistry CouncilDooleyTestimonyCombined.pdf (302.0 KBs)
American Public Health Association, Dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services and Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at the George Washington UniversityTSCAWrittenTestimonyGoldmanJanuary2010.pdf (49.1 KBs)