406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Majority Statement
Minority Statement
Panel 1
AdministratorUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyJacksonSIwrittenTestimony68.pdf (27.7 KBs)
Panel 3
Senior Scientist and Director, Scientific Integrity ProgramUnion of Concerned ScientistsGrifoEPWTestimonyJun92009FINAL.pdf (137.8 KBs)
Resident ScholarAmerican Enterprise InstituteTestimonyonScience2KennethGreen.pdf (24.6 KBs)
American Public Health Association, Dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services and Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at the George Washington UniversityEPAScienceReformsEPWGoldmanJune2009Final.pdf (20.4 KBs)