406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 10am ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 10am ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time. Today's webcast will also be aired on C-SPAN.org.
Panel 1
Secretary of StateWest Virginia2414HearingWitnessTestimonyTennant.pdf (73.7 KBs)
Cabinet SecretaryWest Virginia Department of Environmental Protection2414HearingWitnessTestimonyHuffman.pdf (39.5 KBs)
Senior Strategic Director for Health and FoodNatural Resources Defense Council2414HearingWitnessTestimonyOlson.pdf (143.3 KBs)
Vice President of Environmental ComplianceUnited Water2414HearingWitnessTestimonyFewell.pdf (72.2 KBs)
General Manager, Putnam Public Service DistrictWest Virginia2414HearingWitnessTestimonyMcNulty.pdf (821.4 KBs)
PartnerHollingsworth, LLP2414HearingWitnessTestimonyFaulk.pdf (167.1 KBs)
Vice President of Government AffairsInternational Liquid Terminals Association2414HearingWitnessTestimonyWeaver.pdf (140.5 KBs)