On Monday, April 6, 2015, U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), chairman of the Fish, Water, and Wildlife subcommittee for the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, will chair his first field hearing in Anchorage, Alaska. The field hearing will examine the impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed Waters of the United States rule on state and local governments and stakeholders. MONDAY, April 6, 2015 10:00 AM Loussac Library Assembly Chambers 3600 Denali St. Anchorage, AK 99503 Witnesses: Panel 1: Larry Hartig, Commissioner Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Panel 2: Kara Moriarty, President/CEO Alaska Oil and Gas Association Rick Rogers, Executive Director Resource Development Council for Alaska Tara Sweeney, Executive Vice President External Affairs Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Rod Hanson, Vice President Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. Kathie Wasserman, Executive Director Alaska Municipal League Lorali Simon, Vice President External Affairs Usibelli Coal Mine