406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Majority Statement
Minority Statement
Panel 1
Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency ResponseUnited States Environmental Protection AgencyBodineFedFacTestimony.pdf (26.5 KBs)
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installation and Environment,United States Department of DefenseArnyTestimony.pdf (187.5 KBs)
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regulatory Compliance, Department of Environmental ManagementUnited States Department of EnergyMarcinowskiTestimony.pdf (281.6 KBs)
Panel 2
SecretaryMaryland Department of the EnvironmentWilsonTestimony.pdf (71.8 KBs)
Department of Defense Program ManagerOhio Environmental Protection AgencyButhkerUSSenateTestimonyFinal.pdf (39.5 KBs)
Associate Project ManagerLangan Engineering and Environmental ServicesLimbricktestimony.pdf (28.5 KBs)
PresidentCommittee to Bridge the GapHirschEPWTestimony.pdf (117.0 KBs)