406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Chairman Barbara Boxer (D-CA) will convene the Full Committee to hold the first hearing on the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2010. The hearing will focus on the job creation and economic development opportunities associated with water resources projects, including ports, inland waterways, and flood control.
Majority Statement
Minority Statement
Panel 1
Executive Director of Transportation and Infrastructure, Vice President, Americans for Transportation Mobility CoalitionUnited States Chamber of Commerce100506_JK_EPW_WRDA_Testimony_FINAL.pdf (256.5 KBs)
President of the Board of Port CommissionersPort of OaklandStatementofVictorUno.pdf (861.9 KBs)
Director, Government Affairs, Kirby Corporation and Member, Inland Waterways Users BoardWoodruff5610Testimony.pdf (1.9 MBs)
Manson Construction and Immediate Past ChairAssociation of General Contractors, Federal and Heavy Construction Division100506AGCStatementMitchWhiteTestimonyFinal.pdf (150.3 KBs)