The business meeting will consider the following:
• S. 697, The Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (21 cosponsors)
• S. 544, Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 (7 cosponsors)
• S. 653, Water Resources Research Amendments Act of 2015
• S. 611, Grassroots Rural and Small Community Water Systems Assistance Act (17 cosponsors)
• S. 261, A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 200 NW 4th Street in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, as the William J. Holloway, Jr. United States Courthouse
• S. 612, A bill to designate the federal building and United States courthouse located at 1300 Victoria Street in Laredo, Texas, as the “George P. Kazen Federal Building and United States Courthouse”
• S. 1034, A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mississippi, as the “Charles Clark United States Courthouse”
• The nomination of Mark Scarano, of New Hampshire, to be the Federal Cochairperson of the Northern Border Regional Commission
• GSA resolutions
WHEN: Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. EDT
WHERE: 406 Dirksen Senate Office Building (SD-406)
Members of the Media:
If you plan to attend, please email Please note that media are required to display current Senate press credentials. Please plan to arrive prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing.