WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) will chair a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee in Lincoln, Nebraska on Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. CST. The hearing will focus on the impact of the proposed Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, which would expand federal regulation of water in Nebraska. The hearing will examine the views of a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the agriculture community, homebuilders, natural resource districts, and state and local governments. In the spring of 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers released a proposal to change the definition of WOTUS under the Clean Water Act. The rule would broaden the definition beyond “navigable” waters and extend the federal government’s regulatory reach over almost any body of water, from farm ditches to residential ponds. Senator Fischer has led a number of efforts in the Senate to enhance public input on the rule. She has repeatedly urged EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to scrap the rule all together and has also cosponsored legislation to withdraw the proposed regulation. Members of the media are invited to a post-hearing media availability where Senator Fischer, witnesses, and members of the Common Sense Nebraska coalition will be on hand to answer questions.

To watch the webcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbIXZUZMCCg&feature=youtu.be