406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Special note on witnesses: Due to unforseen circumstances, Paul Renfrow, Vice President of Public Affairs at OGE Energy Corporation and Dorothy Rothrock, VP for Government Relations at Cal. Mfrs. & Technology Association will be unable to appear, but their statements will be entered into the record.
Majority Statement
Minority Statement
Panel 1
Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,GermanySigmarGabrielTestimony.pdf (20.7 KBs)
ChairmanFredomWorksArmeyTestimony.pdf (45.1 KBs)
PresidentApollo AllianceApolloTestimonyFinal.pdf (53.5 KBs)
PartnerArduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics
DirectorIndustry Infrastructure, Nuclear Energy InstituteCBerriganTestimonyfortheRecord92507l.pdf (29.7 KBs)
FounderKhosla VenturesVinodKhoslaSenateTestimonySep252007.pdf (362.9 KBs)
Panel 2
Director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy LaboratoryUniversity of California, BerkeleyKammen_Senate_EPWrevised.pdf (194.3 KBs)
Visiting FellowAmerican Enterprise Institute for Public Policy ResearchGreenEPWTestimony25SEPT07.pdf (30.8 KBs)
FounderNRG Systems, Inc.BlittersdorfTestimonyfinal.pdf (74.5 KBs)
Vice President of Strategic MarketingSunEdisonMarkCulpepperTestimony.pdf (99.4 KBs)
PresidentNational Association of Energy Service CompaniesTestimonyofDonaldDGilliganSenateEPW92507F.pdf (120.0 KBs)
Related Files
- 9.25.2007 Dorothy Rothrock Testimony - TestimonyDorothyRothrock.pdf (47.2 KBs)
- 9.25.2007 Paul Renfrow Testimony - PaulRenfrowTestimony.pdf (92.0 KBs)