406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 9:30 am ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 9:30am ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time.
Majority Statement
Panel 1
Senior CounselOffice of the Attorney General, California73113HearingWitnessTestimonyTroncoso.pdf (4.2 MBs)
Chief, Homeland Security and Emergency ResponseWest Virginia Department of Environmental Protection73113HearingWitnessTestimonyDorsey.pdf (50.6 KBs)
Manager, Pollution Prevention & Regulatory Assistance SectionWashington State Department of Ecology73113HearingWitnessTestimonyZarker.pdf (638.9 KBs)
Panel 2
Senior AttorneyNatural Resource Defense Council73113HearingWitnessTestimonyRosenberg.pdf (379.4 KBs)
Professor of LawUniversity of Texas at Austin73113HearingWitnessTestimonyMcGarity.pdf (163.6 KBs)
Vice President of Safety, Health and Environment and Chief Sustainability OfficerDuPont73113HearingWitnessTestimonyFisher.pdf (169.2 KBs)
of Counsel,Squire Sanders, LLP73113HearingWitnessTestimonyOwens.pdf (167.4 KBs)
Executive Director and CofounderAsbestos Disease Awareness Organization
of CounselWeitz & Luzxenberg73113HearingWitnessTestimonyGreenwald.pdf (495.7 KBs)
PrincipalBeveridge & Diamond, PC73113HearingWitnessTestimonyDuvall.pdf (32.3 KBs)
President and Co-founderEnvironmental Working Group73113HearingWitnessTestimonyCook.pdf (5.0 MBs)
Panel 3
Senior Policy StrategistBreast Cancer Fund73113HearingWitnessTestimonyBuermeyer.pdf (356.7 KBs)
Vice President of Community HealthDignity Health73113HearingWitnessTestimonyVickers.pdf (1.7 MBs)
PartnerAlston + Bird, LLP73113HearingWitnessTestimonyGorsen.pdf (44.7 KBs)
Clinical Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health Clinical Professor of MedicineYale School of Medicine73113HearingWitnessTestimonyBorak.pdf (1.8 MBs)
Deputy Director/Director of Policy InitiativesWe Act for Environmental Justice73113HearingWitnessTestimonyCorbinMark0.pdf (53.7 KBs)
PresidentMossville Environmental Action Now73113HearingWitnessTestimonyFelix.pdf (53.0 KBs)
Vice President of Government AffairsToy Industry Association, Inc.73113HearingWitnessTestimonyHackman.pdf (169.1 KBs)
Eastern States DirectorCenter for Environmental Health073113HearingWitnessTestimonyMiller.pdf (1.5 MBs)