406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 10:00 am ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 10:00am ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time.
Panel 1
Deputy Secretary of TransportationUnited States Department of Transportation91813HearingWitnessTestimonyPorcari.pdf (52.4 KBs)
DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service91813HearingWitnessTestimonyAshe.pdf (59.9 KBs)
ChairCouncil on Environmental Quality91813HearingWitnessTestimonySutley.pdf (566.8 KBs)
Assistant Inspector General for Highway and Transit AuditsUnited States Department of Transportation91813HearingWitnessTestimonyCome.pdf (167.7 KBs)