The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety will hold a subcommittee hearing entitled, “Legislative Hearing on S. 1857, S. 203, S. 839 and S. 1934.”
- S. 1857, a bill to establish a compliance deadline of May 15, 2023, for Step 2 emissions standards for new residential wood heaters, new residential hydronic heaters, and forced-air furnaces;
- S. 203, the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports (RPM) Act of 2017;
- S. 839, the Blocking Regulatory Interference from Closing Kilns Act of 2017; and
- S. 1934, the Alaska Remote Generator Reliability and Protection Act.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
10:00 AM
Room 406 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
Panel 1
Vice President of Business Intelligence, United States Stove CompanyBridgeport, ALWilliams Testimony 11.14.2017.pdf (824.5 KBs)
President & CEO, Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)Diamond Bar, CAKersting Testimony 11.14.2017.pdf (316.8 KBs)
President, Henry Brick CompanySelma, ALHenry Testimony 11.14.2017.pdf (137.0 KBs)
Glen Earl Weston Research Professor of Law, George Washington University Law SchoolWashington, DCHammond Testimony 11.14.2017.pdf (190.1 KBs)
Clean Air Director, Natural Resources Defense CouncilWashington, DCWalke Testimony 11.14.17.pdf (94.7 KBs)
Related Files
- SPW 111417.pdf (205.7 KBs)