April 2010
Date | Title |
4/1/10 | Boxer Statement on New Automobile Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards |
December 2009
Date | Title |
12/10/09 | EPW Committee Passes Formaldehyde, Recycling, Invasive Species and Other Bills |
December 2008
Date | Title |
12/10/08 | After Strong Opposition, EPA Abandons Controversial Plans to Weaken Federal Clean Air Act Protections |
September 2008
July 2008
Date | Title |
7/22/08 | Boxer Pleased With Passage of “Clean Boating Act” to Protect Recreational Boaters and the Environment |
May 2008
Date | Title |
5/21/08 | Environment Committee Approves Bill to Clean Up Air Pollution at America’s Ports |
March 2008
Date | Title |
3/12/08 | Boxer Statement on Final EPA Ozone Standard |