September 2011
Date | Title |
9/2/11 | Boxer Statement on the Obama Administration's Withdrawal of Proposal to Update Protections Against Smog |
August 2011
July 2011
Date | Title |
7/29/11 | Boxer Statement on New Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards |
7/7/11 | Boxer Statement on EPA's Rule to Reduce Air Pollution Transport |
June 2011
Date | Title |
6/15/11 | Boxer Statement: "The Clean Air Act and Public Health" |
6/1/11 | Boxer Statement on EPA Enforcement Action in Mecca, CA |
May 2011
Date | Title |
5/9/11 | Boxer Lauds EPA Enforcement Action in Mecca, CA |
April 2011
Date | Title |
4/27/11 | Boxer Statement on the American Lung Association's Clean Air Report |
4/21/11 | Boxer Statement on Earth Day |