June 2012
Date | Title |
6/15/12 | Senator Boxer’s Statement on EPA’s Clean Air Standards for Soot Pollution |
April 2012
Date | Title |
4/23/12 | Senator Boxer Recognizes National Healthy Schools Day |
January 2012
Date | Title |
1/18/12 | Boxer Statement on Obama Administration’s Rejection of Permit for Keystone XL Pipeline |
December 2011
November 2011
Date | Title |
11/3/11 | Republicans Block Bill to Invest in Infrastructure and Create Jobs |
October 2011
Date | Title |
10/6/11 | Chairman Boxer Releases a New Report to Address Attacks on EPA |
September 2011
Date | Title |
9/23/11 | Boxer Statement on House Passage of the TRAIN Act |