June 2017
Date | Title |
6/6/17 | Opening Remarks of Senator Carper at Democratic Roundtable: “A Historic View of the Clean Air Act: Providing the Way for Cleaner Air, Innovation, and Economic Opportunities” |
May 2017
April 2016
Date | Title |
4/19/16 | Senator Barbara Boxer's Statement on the FY 2017 Budget Request for the Environmental Protection Agency |
June 2015
Date | Title |
6/19/15 | Senator Boxer’s Statement on Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for Heavy Duty Trucks |
March 2015
Date | Title |
3/11/15 | Hearing Statement of Ranking Member Boxer on “State Regulators’ Perspectives on the Clean Power Plan” |
July 2014
Date | Title |
7/23/14 | Senator Boxer's Statement: Oversight Hearing on EPA’s Proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for Existing Power Plants |
June 2014
Date | Title |
6/23/14 | Senator Boxer’s Statement on Supreme Court Decision on EPA’s Authority to Control Carbon Pollution under the Clean Air Act |
April 2014
Date | Title |
4/29/14 | Senator Boxer's Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Uphold EPA's Cross State Air Pollution Rule |
4/25/14 | Senator Boxer’s Message for Keystone Rally on the National Mall |