The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will hold a full committee hearing entitled, “Modernizing the Endangered Species Act: Legislative Hearing on S. 4589, the Endangered Species Act Amendments of 2020.”
WEDNESDAY, September 23, 2020
10:00 AM
Room 106 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
Panel 1
GovernorWyomingGordon Testimony 09.23.2020.pdf (317.6 KBs)
Owner and OperatorJB RanchPriddy Testimony 09.23.2020.pdf (230.0 KBs)
President and CEODefenders of WildlifeClark Testimony 09.23.2020.pdf (163.9 KBs)
Related Files
- SPW 09232020.pdf (521.9 KBs)