The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will hold a hearing entitled, “Innovation and America’s Infrastructure: Examining the Effects of Emerging Autonomous Technologies on America’s Roads and Bridges.”
WEDNESDAY, June 13, 2018
10:00 AM
Room 406 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building
Panel 1
DirectorWyoming Department of TransportationPanos Testimony 06.13.2018.pdf (429.4 KBs)
President and CEOIntelligent Transportation Society of AmericaBhatt Testimony 06.13.2018.pdf (241.3 KBs)
DirectorCenter for Advanced Automotive ResearchDoerzaph Testimony 06.13.2018.pdf (109.0 KBs)
CommissionerNew York City Department of TransportationTrottenberg Testimony 06.13.2018.pdf (400.8 KBs)
Director of ResearchAdvocates for Highway and Auto SafetyKildare Testimony 06.13.2018.pdf (547.5 KBs)
Related Files
- SPW 061318 A.pdf (202.5 KBs)