406 Dirksen EPW Hearing Room
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 3:00pm ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 3:00pm ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time.
Panel 1
Commander, South Atlantic DivisionUnited States Army Corps of Engineers72213HearingWitnessTestimonyJackson.pdf (330.1 KBs)
The Honorable Jo-Ellen DarcyAssistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
Panel 2
Division DirectorAlabama Office of Water Resources72213HearingWitnessTestimonyAtkins.pdf (1.2 MBs)
Director, Environmental Protection DivisionGeorgia Department of Natural Resources72213HearingWitnessTestimonyTurner.pdf (374.4 KBs)
Deputy Secretary for Water Policy and Ecosystem RestorationFlorida Department of Environmental Protection72213HearingWitnessTestimonyMunson.pdf (215.1 KBs)