Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
Katie Brown (202) 224-2160Inhofe Congratulates Armendariz on New Job at the Sierra Club
Inhofe Called It! Link
Washington, D.C. - Today the Sierra Club announced that former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 Administrator Al Armendariz has been hired by the Sierra Club to be the Campaign Representative for the organization's Beyond Coal campaign. Senator Inhofe, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, who predicted that Dr. Armendariz skipped his testimony in the House in June for a job interview at the Sierra Club, congratulated him, adding that the Obama Administration is a revolving door from the White House to radical liberal and environmental organizations.
"I would like to congratulate Dr. Armendariz for his new job as a key player in the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal campaign," Senator Inhofe said. "At least at the Sierra Club he won't get into so much trouble for telling the truth that their true agenda is to kill oil, gas and coal. I had suspected that Dr. Armendariz skipped out on his testimony in the House for a job interview at the Sierra Club but I thought his credentials of crucifying oil and gas companies would have made him a better candidate for their Beyond Gas campaign, but that perhaps would have been too obvious. I was however, surprised not to have been asked to provide a reference - I would have been happy to tell the Sierra Club about his steadfast commitment to regulating fossil fuels out of existence.
"Dr. Armendariz follows numerous Obama administration officials who have come from or moved to radical left and green groups - it's as if there is a revolving door between the White House and organizations such as the Sierra Club and the Center for American Progress. Don't forget that the Sierra Club has endorsed President Obama, and several EPA officials have publically admitted that they are working hand and glove with far left green groups to end fossil fuel development in America."