Matt Dempsey (202) 224-9797
Katie Brown (202) 224-2160
Inhofe: EPA's Air Rule is the first in Post-Election Onslaught of Rules that Will Push us Over the 'Regulatory Cliff'
Washington, D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, commented on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standards (PM NAAQS) which were finalized today.
"And so it begins - EPA's PM NAAQS, finalized today, is the first in an onslaught of post-election rulemakings that will place considerable burdens on our struggling economy and eventually push us over the 'regulatory cliff,'" Senator Inhofe said.
"EPA finalized these standards even though the EPA Office of Inspector General is in the middle of an investigation into EPA's mismanagement of key advisory committees and the scientific data used in its standard setting process. In July, I wrote to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson requesting that EPA not finalize any new NAAQS standards for at least one year after the Office of Inspector General completes its investigation, as EPA's failures could have direct bearing on the science underpinning those revisions. Not surprisingly, EPA pushed ahead, sacrificing sound science and transparency for its agenda of killing oil, gas and coal.
"It is important to remember that our nation has made tremendous progress in improving air quality. This progress must continue but it must be done in a balanced approach that doesn't undermine our economy. Unfortunately, with the PM NAAQS, the Obama-EPA seems willing to appease the far left and reject this necessary balance. The result: devastating impacts on jobs and our economy, which can seriously harm public health.
"Going forward as a senior member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, I will continue aggressive oversight of the Obama-EPA's barrage of forthcoming rules, and do everything in my power to prevent President Obama from pushing us over the regulatory cliff."