March 7, 2006

“We are committed to policies that will reduce high energy prices for American consumers, and are hopeful that Senate Democrats will share that commitment, end their obstruction against sound solutions, and work with us in a bipartisan fashion.”

WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, today participated in a press briefing with Senators Pete Domenici (R-N.M.), Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) highlighting the leadership demonstrated by Senate Republicans in promoting initiatives that will move the nation forward on a path toward energy independence by encouraging domestic exploration and the production of renewable fuels.


“We have made significant progress toward enhancing our nation’s energy security and there is more we will do,” Senator Inhofe said. “As my colleagues and I outlined today, we’ll be looking at ways to expand our domestic fuels production as well as diversify our fuel types. As we encourage domestic exploration and production, we also need to consider ways to expand our refining capacity. Yesterday, I introduced an amendment to the pending LIHEAP bill that would have helped increase heating fuel supplies to reduce the high prices that challenge American consumers, but the Democrats objected to that approach.


“The Senate minority, last year, also rejected the sound approach in our Gas PRICE Act to expand refining capacity and create jobs by siting new facilities in communities affected by BRAC closures, instead favoring a plan to socialize refining by placing the Environmental Protection Agency in charge of the construction and operation of new facilities. Aside from encouraging the construction of new facilities, our legislation also expanded the definition of a refinery to include biofuels facilities, and encouraged the production and use of cellulosic ethanol.


“We are committed to policies that will reduce high energy prices for American consumers, and are hopeful that Senate Democrats will share that commitment, end their obstruction against sound solutions, and work with us in a bipartisan fashion.”


Click here to view today’s press briefing