WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Chairman of the Environment & Public Works Committee said today that a lawsuit filed last week against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) by North Carolina’s Democrat attorney general, the Appalachian Mountain Club, Group Against Smog and Pollution, the National Parks Conservation Association and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), is nothing more than the latest political move that will actually delay clean air progress. CAIR is intended to reduce air pollution from power plants in 28 Northeastern states and the District of Columbia. “Time and again, these extreme special interests and their Democrat allies seem to be more focused on issuing political statements than improving our air quality,” Senator Inhofe said. “This latest round of litigation demonstrates the need for a strong national Clear Skies law more than ever. Trying to litigate the way to cleaner air only delays progress, often yields little or no result and wastes millions in taxpayer dollars. Our Clear Skies legislation would actually do far more to help state and local governments comply with the new air quality standards than the rule would. If these groups and their friends in Congress are serious about reducing air pollution, I welcome their endorsement of Clear Skies and its 70 percent cut in air pollution from the power plants nationwide. We have a workable proposal on the table, and given the rejection of mandatory caps on carbon dioxide by 60 senators and the recent failure of three key air-related lawsuits, there is no reason for my Democrat colleagues to continue their objections and obstructions. We should be able to go home this summer and tell our constituents that their air is going to become 70 percent healthier. I am still waiting for the opponents of Clear Skies to come to the table with a legislative counter offer to the multiple proposals Senator Voinovich and I have offered the Committee.”